beach wedding dress |
How it Works
It's more than just a statement-making jewelry collection -- it's your chance to help out a charity you feel strongly about.
For each one of these bridesmaid gifts you purchase, you'll choose a charity to donate 100 percent of the profits to.
Each piece includes custom gift packaging and a note about the charity donation.
With 30 major charities to choose from, you can be sure your donation is going to a cause that's both meaningful and personal. (Learn more about the charities.)
The Back Story
Joan Hornig, owner of the jewelry design company Philanthropy is Beautiful®, made a promise to herself on her wedding(gowns for debut) day that if her life turned out the way she expected by the time she was 50, she would dedicate herself to giving back. After earning a degree in fine arts at Harvard College and a master's degree in business administration from Columbia Business School (and spending many years working as a consultant for hedge funds), Joan is making good on her promise through her company, which donates 100 percent of the profits from each purchase to the charity of the purchaser's choice.
Get Involved!
Joan's work has currently resulted in over $1 million donated to charity, and now Knottie brides can contribute to causes they care about easily through their bridesmaid gifts and wedding accessories.
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